Wednesday, May 06, 2020
Wednesday, May 06, 2020
Today is 6 May 2020! My birthday, my twin’s birthday and my son’s birthday is here!
Happy Birthday to all 3 of us!
Today still need to work but at least it’s work from home, which is so much better than working in office.
Now the world and Singapore is fighting Covid-19 virus. ( Right now Singapore cases number is 20K) So there are a lot of restrictions that we cannot do.
1.Like no manufacturing of cakes (first time can’t even buy a cheap decent cake)
2. Different households cannot meet together which means cannot celebrate
Luckily this year is not Owen’s first birthday. At least we properly celebrated his first birthday with a party and beautiful cake.
Updates on my son Owen
Now my boy is running around screaming and shouting (and crying...)
He knows words like
- Mama,
- papa ( very rare),
- star,
- moon,
- car ( he pronounce car and star the same ... he goes arrr),
- eyes ( probably the first word that he pronounced quite correctly),
- Bus ( he goes ussss)
Still need to work on his speech more. Quite lag behind
But a very happy and joyful boy. My family now revolves around him. Taking care of him during this Circuit Breaker period while hubby and me work. I think he really makes my father move around more and became more happy.
He is also a very sweet boy. When he likes the biscuits that he is having, he will personally hold the biscuit to my mouth and place into my mouth. Always melt by his sweet gesture.
Hope he will learn to control his screaming and crying soon. And call papa more.
Mama loves you very very much! Happy 2nd birthday boy!
Labels: Birthday
Monday, October 28, 2019
Monday, October 28, 2019
Just now when I was thinking of backup my phone pictures into my hard disk, I started looking at the photos when I was pregnant. The videos of my tummy shifting around when Owen was kicking around in my tummy. The pictures of my ultra swollen feet and face. The pictures of the countless medication that I have to take when pregnant. The pictures when I was admitted into hospital to put under observation for my super high blood pressure. And then my little Owen so skinny and dark in my arms. Videos of him hiccuping. Videos of him crying with that super baby cry voice. Pictures of him giving a toothless grin.
I didn’t notice that I kept going through the pictures until it was 12.30am. So much memories.
How did I manage to brave through all that ? Unbelievable. Can’t help but thought to myself that I’m a super lady. I’m so awesome. :)
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
As the year 2018 comes to a close, I want to write down here of the eventful events that happened this year. For my own reminder.
This year 2018 has been a very happy year for me. Some ups and downs. But all happy endings!
1. Give birth to my first child Owen
This has got to be the best milestone that I met this year. Had been planning for a baby since last year and I told myself and husband that we are going to have a baby in 2018. Why? Because it’s a huat year and it’s a dog year. So thankfully my wish came true. Was diagnosed with a pregnancy complication called preeclampsia, which resulted in very high blood pressure, which resulted in me needing to go for early c section to deliver baby, which resulted in baby having digestive and temperate regulating issue, which resulted in him staying at NICU for 2 weeks, which resulted in a big hole burnt in our pockets. But all is good. Now he is so chubby and cute. I’m glad I never experience post Partum depression, so I really get to enjoy spending time with baby.
2. Change of job to somewhere super close to my house
I have been wanting to change job for a long long time but didn’t really take action until this year end. It was not really part of my year missions list. But somehow life has to get you moving. I think I’m really really lucky to find an ideal job within such a short time. It’s finally something not related to programming. It’s finally somewhere that is near to where I stay. And I’m so grateful for that. Hopefully I can stay there until I retired. :)
3. Lose weight
This goal has been on my year missions list for so many years. Every year fail. Somehow this year ironically I got to lose weight although I got pregnant this year. I always thought I am those kind who cant lose pregnancy weight after giving birth. But so pleasantly surprised that I managed to lose all the weight gained during pregnancy plus some kilos off my prepregnancy weight. Currently, I have lost 20 kg off my heaviest weight during pregnancy. I’m now about 8 kg lighter than prepregnancy weight. Kind of shocked dao when I looked back to my photo when I’m at my heaviest. So super water retention and fat. And I didn’t work out at all. Just sit and pump milk. Come to think of it. This is quite a good way to lose fats. Hopefully my body works the same when I get pregnant again in future.
I think this is about all.
Merry Christmas! And Happy new year!
Cheers to 2018!
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Here’s a photo of my little boy!
Happy 6 months old baby!
Tuesday, November 06, 2018
Tuesday, November 06, 2018
Happy 6 months old to my baby Owen!
Can’t believe time pass so fast! You are 6 months old already!
Mama haven’t had a good night sleep for 6 months... zzz
Of course not because of you. You have been a super good boy, sleeping through the night since around 4 months old. It’s because Mama need to wake up every night to pump milk. I scare of getting mastitis. Thankfully up till now I haven’t experience it yet.
You have also been a very easy to get along with baby. Everyone can hug you and you smile at those who try to make you laugh. Didn’t lose Mama face :)
Hope you will grow up healthily! Mama will try to provide you the best that I can.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Hello I finally want to write something over here.
Time is passing so fast. My little boy is already 5 months, going 6 months soon in a week.
I’m totally obsessed with him. I think all parents feel that their babies are the cutest in the world.
Now he is really noisy, keeps playing with his voice. He seems to be experimenting with his voice to see what new sounds he can make. Haha. He likes people to be around him and carries him around. He is still learning how to flip and can put his weight on his feet for a few seconds when we try to let him stand up. Strong baby! Neck is strong now and can lift up when he is on tummy but for a few seconds. He like to grasp things with his hands now and keep grabbing people’s fingers and admire. Maybe he is too bored. Haha
Yesterday I saw him grabbing his ears and touching them. I think he just found his ears. Haha. And his legs are kicking wildly recently when he wants something. I feel that it’s harder to hold on to him when carrying him.
Although everyone say now he is cuter than when he’s born, I’m kind of sad he has grown out of his newborn look. Tiny and fragile, slimmer and darker. His new born clothes are all super tight now. My little boy is growing up so fast. 😢 soon he will be standing up and then walking and running all over the place. I will get slimmer when all the chasing. Haha
I treasure every moments with him now. I hope I will be his most favorite person in the world. And cal me Mama soon!
Sunday, May 06, 2018
Sunday, May 06, 2018
Happy Birthday to me and my baby!
My baby is born today!
This has to be the most special birthday I ever had with my twin. Another member of the family is sharing the same birthday as me. And it’s none other than my very own son.
I undergo c section because of my severe preeclampsia. My estimated due date was supposed to be 15 June. If not for my preeclampsia, I wouldn’t have choose to deliver my baby prematurely today. My baby is officially born on 34 weeks and 3 days.
My preeclampsia had resulted me in having super high blood presssure >170. Normal should be 120. Discovered the illness 2 weeks ago and doctor say I must deliver the baby if not I might harm Myself and my baby. And she gave me a range of date to deliver - one of the dates is my birthday. So after much consideration (Sunday do operation has surcharge on many things + will baby hate me in future when he had to celebrate birthday with me every year.) we decided it will be super special and happy so we choose 6 may.
Operation details
12am On 6 may - check in to hospital Mount Alvernia
1am - got into my single room. Chose the cheapest single that hospital has. Still require close to $5K for C section operation stay
2 am - had my blood test done and change into the night gown from hospital. Nurse had to help me shave the bikini area. Although I did it at home, she still shave to make it super clean. Make me feel so paiseh.and finally can rest
2am to 5am - only slept for like one hour and the rest of the night is half awake half asleep because I am too excited
5am to 6am - husband also awake and also cannot sleep. Waiting for nurse to come in and tell me what to do next
6am - call the nurse in to ask anything that I had to prepare? She say she is still checking the blood test result on the platelets count for my doctor to decide if I can go for half body numb (epidural) or full asleep. Came back and told us doctor say my platelets result good. Can do half body numb. Gave husband and me a form to sign to enter the operation theatre.
7.40am - the surgery team came with a movable bed to bring me to the operation theatre. Feeling scared. Lie on the bed and they push me to the theatre.
8am to 8.20am - Operation Time! They switch me onto the surgery table and poke a IV on my left hand. Today it didn’t feel as pain maybe because I’m poked a few times in the same spot before. Then they ask me to seat up to give me injection for epidural on the lower back. Super scared. Because I’ve never been poke in the back before and I heard that need to inject a very big needle. But to my surprise, it actually doesn’t hurt as much as the IV poke on my hand. Got poke a few times on the back but it’s not really painful. Then I lie down on the table and feel my lower half of body going numb. The operation team works super fast. In a few minutes time, the surgery table is all set up properly, urine cathedral inserted and disinfect my abdomen. My doctor came in and straight away start her work. My husband is also called in to sit next to my head. He is changed into the operation gown and headwear.
When he sit down, doctor has already started cutting and pulling. I can totally feel the pulling but there is no pain. Which is weird. Husband don’t dare to look at the doctor at all. Then within a few minutes, doctor say baby is coming out already and I heard some gurgling sound. I couldn’t see because of the drape in front but I think she is sucking the fluid out of baby mouth and nose. Then I heard my baby cries. Heavenly. :) Doctor comment that baby cries is quite loud and powerful so should be quite ok. Haha. They took the baby to clean up and do some monitoring and I feel my doctor stiching me up. I think she is also sucking something out from my womb. But I couldn’t see. After a few minutes, the midwife and a pediatrician brought the baby to me and let me had a close hold. My first comment is so small and then I talk to my baby for a few seconds. He is still crying which makes me a little sad. They took photo of baby me and husband then took baby away to NICU because he is not breathing very well. Husband went with them and I waited on the surgery table for my doctor to finish stitching up. Doctor finish her work and left the cleaning up job for the surgery team.
8.30am to 9.15am - transferred me to oberstvation area and I slept a bit because I’m starting to feel really groggy.
9.20am - pushed me back to my room and my legs still numb.
That’s the operation part. The anesthesia is said to work for 6 hours but I think it’s much longer than that. Now (11pm ) then I feel little numb in my legs.
Had a small birthday celebration with Hui fang in my room. But baby is not around because cannot come out from nicu.
He is now in the most critical NICU level because of his breathing. Hopefully tml doctor allows me to walk around and I can go visit my little baby.
Husband is able to go into NICU a couple of times and took photos for me. Feel heart pain looking at baby having so many needles and wires on him. Can’t wait to see him tomorrow.