Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday, January 29, 2007

Hello ppl! If you have notice that I have change my blog template, you'll probably be wondering why? Right? Actually it is because the previous blog template dun know what happen.. I can't see my own blog, so I can it...
Ehh.. I know this one is very messy. I also dun like the template but then no choice have to use this for a while... Maybe on weekends then got time to search for the templates that are easier to read.

Anyway, I'll fill in about my PE session today.. Muz hurry liao.. gonna sleep.. spend quite many time changing my whole blog...
Today, my class's PE was damn straining... At first, the teacher says run 1 round. Then we all very happy... Quickly ran the track then do stretching exercises... Then who knows, our PE teacher says, "Okay, later we will do 2.4 km run. Now we'll do 25 jumping jacks, 4 sets each.."
I thought my ears heard wrongly... So we finally finish our "messy" jumping jacks and proceed to the track for 2.4. I was really not prepared for it loh... I thought afternoon PE is juz about games.. So we ran.
Finally, I finished my 6 rounds. I came in at the time 16.02 minutes. I had really deproved. Last time I can run for about 4 rounds non-stop.. then now 3 rounds, I like "buay da han" (can't stand it) liao loh.
Okay. Moving on.. I kept thinking that since we had done finish 7 rounds(plus the 1st round) and 100 jumping jacks, then perhapes the teacher would be nicer... But no..
We did 3 push up holds(which means hold the body in the air for 10 counts with arms bend) , for (i think.. ) 5 sets? Then we did another (i forget how many times) cruches holds..
Wah pain sia..
Now FOR THE FUNNY PART: Then for the last push up hold, the teacher told us to sing "twinkle twinkle little stars" to take place of the 10 counts.. Our class's singing is HILARIOUS... The boys "rapped" the song so fast, in their own individual beats. The girls are more hardworking. We sang more melodious(although the second half of the song is tuneless) then more slowly to the original beat.... The teacher was laughing loh. HAHAHA.

PE is really fun but Physically Exhausting too... :)

Monday, January 29, 2007

Hi everyone... Now i'm feeling a bit weird typing this. Because My computer siao liao... cannot open the website to this blog and i could not see how this entry looks like on the real blog. So i had to picture how it will look on the real thing...hmmm Maybe i'll use the computer in the library sometime next week to look at this blog. I hope the library allows us to use the computers freely...

Anyway, i am going to have maths tests and chinese test next week. Its feels significant for me since it was like about 2+ months that I had not been tested. I had studied for them this afternoon. Quite easy to recap, since I had been doing my homework.. yeah! Hahaha. I think the most difficult subject for me till now is PHYSICS. Its all about acceleration, velocity and somemore got what graphs that I could not really understand even when I was in secondary. So it is definitely tough for me to understand on JC stage... But then, I heard that bio had a lot of terms and words that are alien to us, so I would probably stick to my physics... hmmm

Btw... I am now the treasurer of my class 07S18. It is definitely a big improvement for me, since I had been so quiet when I was in secondary school, having no really significant roles to play in my class or the school. Actually, I was being "saboed" by Sinthu, a very outgoing girl(who keeps calling me by "mayflower girl".. - _ -'''). Although i was like being "saboed", deep inside me actually feels kind of relieved. As I had seemed to be accepted as a person who is able to be trusted upon and finally stepped over the curb named "quiet".
PROMISE TO MYSELF THIS YEAR: I'll try to be more vocal and share my ideas whenever there are planning for events. I'll do the best I can do and Revise my homework regulary. I'll try not to be afraid of people's stares when I did or said something silly. I'll...
Quite many missions to accomplish this year.. Although I might not be able to accomplish all, at least I had improved, even a little...

PS: 07S18 can you all pay money faster? So SLOW Leh.. Dun make me chase after you for money...

Monday, January 29, 2007

Hi, back from school to update my life again...

Today my class has created ANOTHER joke....

Our last lesson for today was physics tutorial which was supposed to start at 12.30 pm and end at 1.30pm. But then the teacher did not come and the class manager went to look for the physics teacher. But like no news, so when we were thinking of whether we could go home, the teacher came in at 1.05pm and started to take attendance and everything...
When i was wondering whether the teacher has mistaken the timing, my class manager suddenly said to the teacher:
"I need to tell you something... did you realise that the class is supposed to end on 1.30pm?"
The teacher was shocked and quickly look at her timetable pasted on her markers box,while she kept saying "Really?Why didn't you all call me up?"
This time my FUNNY class manager add another word again:
"Teacher, you need a bigger timetable."
This time the whole class laughed. It is like so lame lor... hahaha..

My class is surely a funny class..

Ok, I today went for taekwondo trial.(Actually it is not really a trial because you are accepted into the cca once you wrote your name...)It was FUN... In the beginning,I was afraid whether the taekwondo teacher would be very fierce like what my mayflower secondary's taekwondo's instructor is like.But NO!! The instructor was very ..(errr how to say)... strange.Because when we were doing stretching exercises, she stood behind and kept laughing to herself. So weird.. I never seen an instructor so CAREFREE before.. Even the Chairperson of taekwondo, I think called Jason one, is even more fiercer than her...
But i think it is good lah... the cca is really very RELAXED. We played games(although i scrapped a little bit of my knee's skin and feet's skin and had Lihui knocked onto my head, which is quite painful) and had much fun and laughter kicking the ... ehhh what you call... sponge? I kept missing the middle part of the "sponge" and kicked onto ppl's hands for about 4 times.. It must have been painful... SORRY ...haha. Anyway, another evidence that the cca is very relaxed is that when we, JC1s, walked back to the concourse to merge with the JC2s who had been practising at concourse for their competitions.. I was quite shocked to see that the instructor was only teaching 2 students and the rest were all chit chatting on the floor... Maybe it is their resting time.
But this is definitely not what i would see when i was in my previous cca. If we were to be chit-chatting and not practising, the teacher would definitely punish us one. So i was quite shocked when i saw that scene .. And the teacher could even stop her briefing halfway to answer her ringing phone... She is really really a very very nice, not fierce teacher, i must say.. But it is like relaxed to much le..

Wah, now i think I very weird. One part of me wants the teacher to be not fierce then another partof me wants the teacher to be stricter...hai...

PS: Today I noticed Ang Siang's ears are really very BIG! Sorry ang siang!! But dunno why...haha... maybe it is because of his new haircut..... ya, ya, ok, his ears are cute... HAHA

Monday, January 29, 2007

Hi! So excited to write in my new blog again!!Thank you seok hoon and shenghong for leaving me a message!!I really really appreciate your efforts!!! :) Anyway, to my friends who are reading this now... could you please PLEASE leave a message on my tag board?? :) Alikato...(thank you in jap... dunno how to spell..)

Anyway,update on my life today... I am now in class 07S18, taking a sub combi of Maths, physics and chemistry and H1 geography. A class that has a very very rare phenomenum(how to spell?) Our class has more males than females, more specifly, 8 girls and 17 boys! That is quite an amazement to me when I first sat in the class, then I turned back and could barely see any girls....I have started getting used to my class. In the beginning, i thought this year my class will be very quiet... but today... my view has changed totally..

Evidence : Today, at chem tutorial,when the chem teacher was trying to teach his lesson... the guys and a few girls kept laughing and giggling. Then when the teacher questioned them on why they were laughing, they started asking the teacher.
"Why does mushroom goes to party?"
"eh.. want to have fun?"(even the teacher join in)
"No.. because mushroom is a fungi (...which means fun guy...)(the ppl started laughing very loudly)
"Then why does fungi goes to a party?"(more laughter..)
"...because he is a fun guy?"answered the teacher.
"No, because fungi wants to find fungus (... which means fun girls...)HAHAHAHA.....
The above scenario continued for 15 minutes later as the chem tutor also started saying his jokes....

I am happy that this class is going to be very "active"... bringing jokes in class everyday... but i thought there's time to be serious and time to have fun... although i did laughed a little by their jokes, shouldn't tutorial to be a time to study? I juz hope this class knows when to be serious and when to have fun...

PS: Zong Ting!! Stop calling me TORTOISE!! I know tortoise is cute... hahaha

Monday, January 29, 2007

Hello.. people. Just trying out creating an english blog. The template sort of like the taiwan 's blog version one. maybe i could get used to it quite easily... i guess..

3 Reasons for NEEDING to create an english blog:

(1)For my NATHAN SQUAD 21's blog!! I'm so sorry that i could only put up chinese blog, which means that the malay and indian people can't understand. Hence I'm now trying very hard to get this blog working... VERY HARD LEH. Must change the template... so ugly...

(2)My chinesE version blog is mainly for putting up shows about 183 CLUB, 5566, ESPCIALLY sAM wANG!(Yoohoo!! They rocks =) )Hence, i have to create one that is more closer to my personal life.. erm yup yup

(3)To practise mmy english!! Now in jc, GP seems so difficult for me... Must try to brush up on my english..Ehhh... i think that's all...

Where to find template leh??? So difficult to adjust to this website's format... okay okay I'll try I'll try ;)