It's 24/2. I had came home. The end of Nathan's outing le.. Boo hoo...
Today we went to sentosa beach. I reached there at 10.15 am. So panicky cause' the promised time was at 10am. Went searcching high and low for my Squad members. Then saw Angsiang and Andy buying roti prata. So relieved.
Anyway after a bit of waiting, a bit of walking and a bit of shopping, we were finally on our way to sentosa! So long never been there ler.. quite excited.
Today I had done quite a lot FIRST times leh :
(1) First time REALLY go outing with my BLACKJACK SQUAD 21! :)
(2) First time played at the SENTOSA beach
(3)First time I swam in the SENTOSA sea.. REAL sea.
(4)First time I am SO not prepared to bathe in public toliets..(last time I was always fully armed with shampoos and everything.)
(5)EHH..First time FEEL SO RELIEVED to see my squad members buying roti prata...
Haha.. end of list. Quite a lot ah.
BTW, really had to thank Seok Hoon, Soolin and especially Keyan to keep accompanying me throughout the maybe.. not the whole day but the best moments of my life today :).keyan&seokhoon&me&soolin
soolin&serene&me (sittingthere and doing nothing)
Also really had to thank Serene. She had also spend some time of my life today. Also thank you very much for the PHOTOS. HAHAA. YA ya.. I know you are not the cameraman.. haha
THANK YOU ppl! Really thank you, my squad members, for making my day a memorable one! THANK YOU!!
Hope REALLY HOPE today will not be our last outing... PLEASE let's meet out again someday soon.
PS: The seawater was really so salty leh!! Pui pui... our surprising finding.
wefoundadogdigging.. and then it foundaball and keptchasing and barking at it.. So fascinating..
hehe siewhuai sohappyah? stopgambeling ~oops~a batch of ppl from SQUAD21:)
haha angsiang'spunishment for losing game 3 times stillso happy?
SQUAD21 :) canseehowhighweare
haha serene&irin(out of pic)wastryingto push thegroup to the left side... butfailed,insteadtheygotpushed out of the photo by siewhuai
&theykeptblaming each other afterthat... :) me&keyan&shien on our way home on MRT
haha the stylo men(also on our way home)
takenatsentosatrain managedtogetafewpicsdespiteoftheultrasqueezytrain
thesignboardat harbourfront MRT..
Wa Lao! I'm so suei man.
Fancy getting sick on New Year'S DAY!
My highest temperature measured on i-think 17/2 is 40.1 leh! I think the actual temperature could be 41 or 42 because my thermometer very lan. Luckily my brain never sizzled and 'pop'. HAHA juz kidding. I'm strong leh!! haha
Anyway today i feel good. ONLY left my super terrible sore throat.. Hai.. still cannot eat the bah kua(dialect) rou gan(chinese) pork slice(eng).
So suei! My mother juz bought it on 16/2 and I got sicked without eating any piece of it..
And now it's finishing by my sisters!! ARGGGG..
Anyway, yesterday, I still went to see fireworks on dun-know where..(i'm a road-idiot) But I remember that place got esplanade one.. I was getting so nauseous on the MRT TRAIN that I vomit leh! Luckily got plastic bag and nothing much come out(cause' I never eat much). Anyway, after that I juz held onto my father's hand and walked whereever he's pulling me..
Up to now, what I really remember about yesterday is the fireworks!
Yesterday was the first time I ever seen the fireworks so clear before. We went up to the dun-know-what bridge and sat there until the first bolts of fireworks (which frightens me ) came. We stood on the stone chairs and watched the whole fireworks! It is quite nice lah. But not the best that I had seen.
On my ending note, I wish all of you a very HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! MAY ALL YOUR WISHES COME TRUEEE!
It's FiRst day of the LUNAR year. But i'm not feeling very excited.
Cause I am SICK! Boohoo. Yesterday I measured my temperature. Guess what? 40.1 degree celsius!And I can't do downcount at Singapore HongBao River, which my parents had been thinking of bringing us there.
Now I'm feeling nauseous again! Hai... Got to end off liao.. bye
Today is Chinese New Year Celebration! But it wasn't quite as fun as I thought it would be.
Quite disappointing.. My class only had 9 ppl present, btw...
Each class had to make a traditional chinese dish called lau yu sheng. I was quite shocked when I heard that the dish 'materials' should be prepared by the class itself. Our Class Manager nv told us anything about it. But then, he told us he had brought the 'materials' himself.
I was still thinking when had he become so responsible when I saw what he brought.
Prawn Crackers
Yan Yan (got prints 'ELEPHANT','ZEBRA' on the biscuits)
Instant noodles (Korean brand one)
Potato chips(sour cream flavour)
then dunno what kind of round golden snacks
3 huge bottles of cola, orange juice and lemonade
and a packet of disposable cups
I was astonished when I saw what he brought. I never ever seen a lau yu sheng is made up of snacks and instant noodles de lor. It was damn funny. But then, to my surprise, the end product was actually quite nice leh... somewhat like a lau yu sheng.
Steps of making lau yu sheng(using instant noodles and snacks)
1.Add boiling water to your whatever brand instant noodles. Wait until the noodle is cooked then pour out the remaining water. There your noodle is done.
2. Put your noodle nicely on whatever plate. Add your ingredients (in this case, prawn crackers, golden round snacks, YAN YAN biscuits) around the noodles.Add some ingredients on the noodles too(in this case, lay 4 pieces of potato chips on top of the noodles).
3. Borrow some dunno-call-what fish strips? from other ppl. Add it nicely on the center of your dish.
4. Add some finishing touches by sprinkling the seasoning of your instant noodle on top of your dish.
A lau yu shengDONE!(Or should I call it a lau 'snack' sheng?)
My Class is juz so creative ... =___=''' Hahaha..
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! ppl! How's your valentine's day? Happy? sad? wonderful?
Well for me.. it is quite alright..
I got Ferreo ROCHER from LiHui early in the morning when we met at the usual meeting place.. I was quite surprised when she gave me a Ferrero ROCHER. That was my FIRST valentine's gift leh.. haha. But I felt quite bad lah.. never bring any gifts for her and other ppl. But I did make something.. I'll give her and 3 other ppl some gift tomorrow.. Hand-made de leh
Muz treasure leh..
Then I got a YUPI Gummy candy, Baby Bear, from Stanley.. Such a pleasent gift. Although it is quite cheap lah.. but hey, it is better than none ,right? 物轻情义重mah..
Anyway, today was supposed to be Blood donation DAY.. Hai.. But then I didn't get to donate again.. I think together ,plus last week waiting time, i waited for nearly 5 hours.. Hai.. Waste the precious time..
The reason?
Too Small..
Although i did meet 45kg, the doctoe said he was afraid that I might faint after donation. He said some guys bigger than me even faint after donation. He also said that the States minimum requirement is 50kg. He even joked and said " Maybe your blood is not even for your own use..."He is a nice doctor lah... HAI..
So sad leh.. Really! I don't think I can donate in my present life. Have to waqit for my next life. Cause' I don't think I can grow more loh.. And if I really pass the 50 KG. I think i will be overweight.
命运作弄人阿!Why god like that one? PPl who wants to donate can't donate... PPl who can donate dun want to donate.. PPL if you can donate, GO lah... I can't even donate even if I really want...You are the privileged ones leh... Hai..
Wah! Yesterday was the release of "O"! Ahhhh.. happy sia. 5As. but then English C5... pulled the marks down... nvm lah.. my english always at C5 level one. haha. mAYFLOWER'S tOP sCORERS! tHE 2 gIRLS ARE MY CLASS MATES!
At first, when when I was signing the documents, Mdm Koh(my ex-form teacher) told me "you got 16." I was quite disappointed. Then I asked, "16?" She said, "yar. 16" I was quite unhappy at that time lor. 16! Not good.
But then when I was trying to reassure myself that 16 is fine, I opened up the letter and WA LAO, the teacher lied to me lor. 13lah! Make me so disappointed. I was SO relieved at that time.It was a 5 marks different from prelim L1R5! So happy! My class was suppossedly to be the best class of this year's cohort and it is really true! About 9/10 of the names that appeared on the list of ppl scoring 10 and below was from my class lor!! So happy for them. Was clapping and hooting all the time.
Mr Wee came to me and looked at my results. I felt really happy when he nodded his head and said I had really improved and congratulates me. That was a really good feeling! Hoooo.. Hahaha.
Anyway, this year 2007's batch of Sec 4 was sitting behind the hall to "see our faces".Wa lao.. the teachers every year used the same method one. "I want you to see the faces of the ppl gtting results. Choose the face that you want to have when you are back next year to collect your results..." blah blah blah... But still I think it is quite true. to choose the face that you wanna have. Choose a happy face and not a sad face. And I'm one of the example of happy face ah.. haha.
Anyway, yesterday really brings back a lot of memories. Straight away when I was walking from the busstop to the school. That was the route my friends and I walked home after Each O level exam. When we wait for the buses together and discuss some tough ques. When I waled right into the building and saw the canteen tables, it reminded me of the happy times we shared and the hardworking times we had shared during O level exams. When I walked past the dance studio and saw my juniors, i remembered the times we had together and the backaches and leg pains that I had suffered through the 4 years. When I was sitting at the hall, I remembered the times when we had movies-watching during post-exam periods, when we are sitting down at the hall and watching (mostly) interesting assembly performances, when we were performing on stage and when we were doing O in the hall. I also talked to 2 of my juniors (who had secetly ran out of the CCA lesson and talked to me)(my cca teacher was really fierce...)... haha. Really mizzed them so much.
Anyway, yesterday had been a great relief to me but then when one worry is gone, more worries surfaced. Now dun know whether to stay in Pioneer jc or go to other jcs. Nangyang is quite a good choice and I think I can get in with 2 marks deducted. AHHH.. dunno lah.. very ruan.. headache..
Below are some pictures taken during the release of results.. (REAL FAST EH? haha My school's media club is sure fast.) Dun worry. Most of the pics dun have me inside. HAHA.mY cLASS... eARLY bIRDS
the Exciting tALK...
the gOOD rESULTS...
Mrs Lim, MF'sprincipal, who likes to tell us stories...
tHE lIST oF gOOD rESULTS... excuse me there's no 4J or 4K lah... who type one de..
mY hAPPY cLASS.. (i didn't know that I was breaking my neck.. too happy :)
mE aND mDM kOH... (wah, not only is the media club fast, they had good hiding skills. I did not even notice the cam...)
mY cLASS's bATCH of REALLY eNTHU ppl...
this gROUP of Classmates are tHE mOST hARDWORKING cLINQUE..
tHE hAPPY tOP sCORER.. Fadillah is so clever..(waikit.. stop praying lahz...)
tALKING TO mRS sELVA lAHZ.. Her teaching rocks !
Hello ppl! Now is Thursday, 8th of Feb. Tomorrow, 9th of Feb. The day when the results when the results of "O" is released. The day when tears will drop (hopefully tears of joy) and ppl will hug each others. Do I feel nervous... Ehhh I dun know why leh. Now 9.18pm liao. Left 17 hours and 12 minutes. no feeling leh. Like it is non of my businessone. I only remember that tomorrow I had to go back school and collect my results when my friends, mother, father asked me, " Ni ming tian hui pa mah?(Are you scared about tomorrow?)" Dun know why leh.
Last time the nightS before the day of release of PSLE results, I was damn nervous lor... Sometimes suddenly screamed one, haha scared my mother and father off man. Anyway, I hope tomorrow I will get AT LEAST AT LEAST less than 18, that was my prelim marks.Then if i get between 11 to 16, I 'll probably stayed in PJC. If got less than 10, then maybe I'll go Anderson bah. Now, I'm quite emotionally attached to pioneer liao. So I'll feel scared if I had to get myself familarise with the new jc again...
Any way, today was such a hot day lor.
Was walking with Fen Ru home from schoool. Then today we walked unusually fast. The whole walkway to the main road was shelterless one and the sun was like burning our skin lor. But it was a good exercise lar...
Then, today when I found a seat on the MRT back home, got a uncle pushed a baby pram and sat down beside me .. The baby was damn Cute leh. Keep looking at me. Like I'm dun know what monster.. Then got another mother who pushed her pram in and the babies was like looking at one another. So cute larz.
Then when I finally reached sembawang, I got myself an MOO MOO ice cream (suddenly got the appitite for ice cream cause' of the weather) which was like 3 weeks never eat liao. Then the interesting thing was that when I crossed the road, got another bunch of secondary school girls who walked past me in the opposite direction. Then I heard one girl said"Ehhh I want to eat ice cream ..." Dot Dot Dot. My ice cream must have triggered the girl's taste buds. haha.
Ok, that's all for now.. Hope that my results tomorrow will be good!! :) +__+
Hello ppl! Back from school, done homework (a lot dun know how to do), eat finish, bathe finish, now back to my blog again!
Today was supposed to be the day I donate my precious blood for my first time. But then looks like it had to be postponed to next wednesday, 14th of Feb, which means VALENTINE's day! Wah, ppl gave roses, we gave the more precious thinggy, BLOOD!! haha
Anyway, today was the first time I really get to see the packets of blood and the machines to shake the blood packets. It was like dark red liquid. Not like blood lor.. but then I got observed the expression on the ppl when the nurses are poking the needle into the skin.. There were really not much of a huge change in their facial expression.. like no feeling one.. Then got incidence where they said that the patient squeezed too strong and i think the tube burst... But then I did not get to see spraying blood leh... haha. But anyway got see the person's clothes got drops of blood on it... quite disgusting.. hard to believe that that is blood..
Anyway, I just hope that the needle will not hurt too much... pray pray*
Hi ppl! I'm back from My 4A class CHALET! They booked a room in the Coasta Sands resort, more specifly in Block D. The room has 4 beds for 4 ppl to sleep(which means some had to sleep on the floor caus' we had 14 ppl staying over). Its toilet is quite small and room is also quite small too... not exactly what I thought of it to be.. a bit disappointing for me.. but then at least it got TV and all of us never thought that there would be a XBOX in there. Good lar got XBOX. But the thing is that nobody brought games to play loh..So got XBOX also nothing to play..
It is quite fun but it think the best of it all was to see my Sec 3 form teacher , MR WEE and my Sec 4 form teacher-cum-cca teacher-in-charge, MDM KOH! It was like such a long long time I had not seen them or spoke to them. It was like seeing them and had the feeling of going up there and hug them.. but then I did not do that lah.. I'm not used to be so mushy.
But then I still got to talk with Mr Wee and Mdm Koh. They still look like the same old ppl(haha.. of course lah) but now the feeling seeing them now and in the past was different. Dunno how to say leh.. It like a ..different feeling lahz....
But then, Mrs Ess was supposed to come but they said that her child's eyes got some kind of splinter in it.. Uugg.. I hope her child is fine now.. she had such love in children loh!(She got 6 children!) Hope that nothing too bad has happened..
Ok.. for the events that we had for chalet.. i'll juz say some highlights of the chalet... We had BBQ from 4pm till 11 something... Then at about 12am to about 3 am, we played cards games and a few silly games that Wai Kit (my classmate who is the tallest in class..0_0) thought of. It was a game about what werewolf and hunter.. I haven figure out exactly how the game to to be play.. haha.. but then the game was quite gross. Wai Kit kept saying "It was a bad day and you walked into a room. You opened the door and you see blood splattered everywhere and intestines ( 0_0"') flowing everywhere.You walked furthur in and you see pieces of chpped flesh all over the place(0_0)..." Yep. Something like that. Got more gross words but I won't put it up in the blog.. haha. Anyway, the game was okay lah. Denny (vice-chairman in my class) was like so high the entire night loh.. maybe it is because of the beer he drank (no... no.. dun get the wrong idea... they only had a little bit of beer and alcohol.. but I'm very guai :) never touched the things ...)
Then we decided to rest from 3am to 4am as we had gotten a complaint (i think that's a norm..haha)Then at about 4.15am we walked to a maze that is quite far away from the chalet. The whole place was so eerie, the only light was from the moon and stars and a couple of lights quite far away. At first, the guys wanted to walk in twos and figure the way out by themselves, but then after the girls argue (girls always win! :) )they decided to walk as a whole together. Denny scared us out when we had walked to the center of the maze but he was nowhere to be found. Then when everyone was calling his name, all quite nervous, he suddenly jumped out of the bush loh! Stupid Denny! What a game... Then got another time that we got scared. At first when Denny was like missing, Wai Kit walked out of the group and went to look for Denny. When Denny finally reappeared, we tried calling out to Wai Kit to ask him to stop walking away. But then, he juz keep walking like cannot hear us.. So scary. In the end, when we finally caught up with him, he explained that he was very sleepy and want to go back to chalet fast.. LOL loh!! We were all scared out by him loh.
Anyway, in the end left 5 ppl who wanted to watch sunrise,which includes me lah. The rest wanted to sleep.. (Hai..) The wind was so cold. But then Nigel(another HUMUNGOUS classmate of mine) could still even lied on the bench until he was snoring away.(mind you.. he snores loud. ) Anyway after waitng from 5am to 6.30am under the freezing conditions, the worst thing was that the sunrise view was blocked by a stupid construction and we could not see it. The funny thing was we found our way back by looking out for the marks on the walkingtracks that read "F*** Y**". That was noticed by Nigel.. haha. Then I slept till 9.45am after I went back home while some others went down to buy their macdonald's breakfast.
Wah I think I only slept for the at the most about 4 hours only. The weird thing was that, now my time reads 9.07pm, my brain could still worked.. I could even do my chinese compo and all my remaining homework leh! Haha! I haven went back to sleep yet leh. Superb me.. Haha. Hope tomorrow morning I won't get a dizzy head, still got pe loh...
PS: Mayflower class 4A. Dun worry. I won't forget this bunch of hardworking ppl. Good Luck for all your futures!!
Hihi! I 'm here to quickly fill up on the SQUAD'S BBQ yesterday... Later have to go chalet. WAH! My first time leh... Dunno if it will be fun or maybe it will be bored... need to eat bbq again..
OK. Yesterday, after lessons which ends at 12.30pm for me, 8 of us from SQUAD 21 meet up to have lunch together! TRUTHFULLY, it was my first time in my entire life that I really get to have lunch meeting with friends! I know I sounds like someone who did not have life (serene says so)But, look at yesterday, I xian shang(gave) my first time to NATHAN BLACKJACK 21 leh!! HAHA.. Muz treasure my loyalty to the squad!! haha.. So we took a bus to Bukit Panjang Plaza(known as BPP , weird name..) and after walking like 20 minutes of dunno where to eat, We finally choose Long John Silvers to eat. While we were eating, serene and stanley started playing some Tricky guessing games. I think out of about the 5 types of games, I only heard of 2 before.. Then the scary thing was that when they were still playing the game,I noticed the manager looking at us... Like very angry.. I was afraid he might actually shoo us out.. Luckily we ended the lunch and left the place. But, overall the lunch was fun.
When we walked back to school, it was already 3.30 pm. We waited and waited until the time was 4.10pm, then went to change to the red t-shirt with serene and shi en. Then after waiting till 5pm, the BBQ then started. There was still a funny memory in me. That was when we were all scratching heads and discussing how to set the bbq up, when other groups had already started cooking chickens and satays. Anyway, we finally set up the bbq and started cooking. There was also dancing of mass dance and fun dance. Truthfully, evryone was in chaos. A lot of ppl forget how to dance liao... Then everyone was like looking left and right, even the ppl who was leading the dance, they aslo looked lost at some parts.. Haha.. another funny memory.
So anyway,there was another memory that is still stuck in my head. There was a time when the nathan clan gathered together and started doing the Nathan Haka. Truthfully, I realised how much I missed the nathan cheers and dance.. Esp Nathan Haka, even my friends from other clan saids that they liked our HAKA very much... Nathan rocks man...
Then there was another unforgettable memory. They showed a slideshow of the photos taken during orientation.Truthfully, It was really really touching moment. It was like really the last time of orientation 1. The slideshow really provokes alot of memory sia. So touching.
Then there was another most unforgettable memory. That ws when the BBQ event was officially closed :( . Siew huai gathered us together for one final talk.. (boohoo. I felt crying now when I'm typing this ) But, luckily I did not tear at that moment otherwise it would be unstoppable. The good thing is we are going to have another outing at sentosa on 24 Feb. We did our "Go 21!" whoosh.Everyone was supposed to leave at that moment... But you know.. can really sense the very strong reluctance of the ppl to leave, even from siewhuai, can see she was at loss of words of what to say,since no ppl was moving.
Anyway, I'll leave one final message here for squad 21.
Blackjack21...Thank you all for putting your efforts and energy into our squad!! Especially, our dear dear Agents, hyper SIEW HUAI and understanding ANG SIANG!!! You two are definitely the best agents!! I know I did not really speak much to you two in orientation, but I am really not a person who is comfortable in expressing my gratitude and feelings by hugging you all and says "Thank you!! I really love you all!!"
Also, Thank YOOU!! Blackjack 21!! You all rocks!Muz be present on 24 Feb!!
Squad 21!!!
PS: To serene and shi en! You two are the first ones from the squad who knows my secret... Shhh dun tell first.. wait for the right time!!!