Off to Cruise in 1 more day!!
Will be on board with YES 933 ppl! Yeah!I think will be quite an unusual experience.
Must truely enjoy it . Last holiday before school starts again... =_=
Just gotten the goody bag yesterday. Everything in it is LARGE!
XL T-shirt, XL umbrella! HAHA
I could wear the t-shirt as a dress nia.
Got a calender too but quite small.. haha
I haven pack yet.. OMG.. Later still have Chingay practice.
I will have to miss 2 practices because of cruise.. Got media preview! But I could not go.. sob sob
Hope they won't change formation.. PLEASE. I BEG YOU
Chingay is FUN!! =)
Happy 2011~
It's a new year!
buT i'M STILL SICKK... but nvm.. I want to start this blog of the year with something awesome and unique..
I found this photographic technique yesterday.. and look at what it has done to my photos from taiwan and birdpark.
NICE RIGHT? Everything now looks like little models in the photo..
You can compare this with the original photos below.