Hello everyone. In case you still read my blog, thank you because I don't even read it. lol
It's April already. Time flies so fast and in a blink of eyes, I'm already blissfully married for 3 months.
What are the differences you may asked? Before and after marriage life.
Well, the biggest difference is that the expenditure was a lot lesser after marriage. We eat more at our parents' home. We spend less time wandering around shopping centers, which in turn wasting less money on shopping. The time spend around driving is lesser, which in turn leads to less expenses on petrol.
So... Number 1 is save more money.
Number 2. We get to spend so much more time with each other.
Not that we did not spend time together before that but we see each other practically from morning to night everyday. (Excluding weekdays when we have to work). We get to see each other ugly and pretty sights everyday. Sometimes it's annoying when he does things that I don't understand. However, it still a wonderful feeling when I get to see his face every morning. I read something from facebook recently and I think its totally true. "Once you get a taste of sleeping next to someone, sleeping in your own bed alone sucks." So true! :)
Number 3. We have a lot more free time.
Because my workplace is currently so near to my husband house, I saved like 2 hours of commuting everyday. Morning I could wake up at 7.25am and nua until 7.35am then start preparing, and I can reach my office at 8.15am. So happy. Go back home at 6pm and reach home at 6.30pm. Eat dinner and clean utensils ... 7.15pm. And I have the rest of the evening to do what I want. My hubby also can do what he wants. So good. I really hope my workplace won't change so fast. Let me enjoy the convenience for a longer while. ~pray~
Anyway, I would like to tell my office people. Stop stalking me. LOL.
Although I also like to stalk people. XD
My office has a lot of drama recently. But they are all still very close to me. I hope the very best for everyone.
Sick ones get well. Stressed ones get out of OT cycles soon. Heartbreak ones get your gf/bf soon. In love ones get your marriage cert soon. Want to get out ones get your new job soon.
I also hope I can get a govt job. If I get one, I will definitely stay in there until I retired. 铁饭碗.I want.