Hello! Long time didn’t update. How are you all?
Today saw my PJC chemistry teacher Mr Lim at Bukit Panjung Plaza!
Didn’t went to say hi to him because I think he won’t remember me.
But I remembered that we gave him a fake present for teachers day.. Ah memories.
Went to find that video again and luckily my old jc blog still have it.
Anyway Happy new year! Today is 3 Jan 2018. Time really passes by so super fast.
2017 zoom past so fast.
Didn’t set any expectations for 2017. But for 2018 I have one definite wish.
To give birth to a healthy baby!
This is so exciting. Can’t believe my pregnancy has reached 4 months mark.
I’m already in my second trimester where everything should be more stable now.
Hopefully all the tests and checks go well and I won’t have any more surprises.
I am finally feeling my baby moving in the tummy. So magical. Although sometimes I don’t know is it gas in my tummy or baby moving. But sometimes I can tell it’s definitely the baby.
Ps: I’m still playing neopets in December because I won’t forget there are free gifts. Haha
Bye bye!